The AYJ has grown into an alliance of over 70 non-profit organisations working together to drive positive change in youth justice for the benefit of children and society.

We advocate for distinct systems, services and support that treat children as children first and foremost - underpinned by social justice, children’s rights and a focus on positive long-term outcomes. Our work focuses on influencing policy, legislation and practice to address issues affecting children who come into conflict with the law - from diversion and policing to custody and resettlement.

How we work

As an alliance, AYJ is in a unique position to drive policy change. We provide a network for exchanging ideas and co-producing publications, working proactively and reactively in collaboration with our members. We have a strong track record as an influential group informing and influencing improvements to the youth justice system.

Our priorities

Our priority issues for policy influencing are driven by our vision, mission, purpose and principles. Our strategy, developed in conjunction with our members, sets out the areas we focus our proactive work on, as well as determining our priorities for responding to policy and legislative developments from Government.

Our work

View all AYJ publications here, and the work for our projects on the impact of COVID-19, our Young Advocates, and the Young Women’s Justice Project here. See details of our latest written responses, briefings, comments, events and more below.

AYJ Responses, Submissions, Briefings and Publications:

AYJ Comment:

AYJ Explains:

AYJ Meetings and Events: