As an alliance, AYJ is uniquely positioned to influence youth justice policy, pressing for change in the best interests of children, rather than promoting a particular service or intervention. This enables trusted relationships to be developed at the heart of government, to advise, inform and crucially - to challenge. This work is at the core of what the AYJ does, working both proactively and reactively, in collaboration with our members and by forming and joining partnerships across the sector.
A forum to exchange ideas
Our alliance has a broad membership base with a specific focus. We bring together the expertise of our members to strengthen our collective influence, which is far greater than the sum of our parts. The diverse membership ranges from large national charities, advocacy and youth organisations, to numerous smaller grassroots and community organisations. AYJ also provides a forum for members to exchange ideas, network and facilitates a community of practice. This network has enabled partnerships to emerge and new initiatives to happen, including a Parliamentary Inquiry into the operation and effectiveness of the youth justice system, chaired by Lord Carlile.
We regularly co-produce publications such as consultation responses and parliamentary briefing papers with expert groups of our members. We also have recently launched a number of exciting projects, giving our members additional opportunities to contribute their expertise and inform our policy work.
Informing and influencing policy
AYJ has built a strong track record as an influential group campaigning for improvements to the youth justice system. We continue to lead debates across youth justice policy, including lobbying successfully for parliamentary inquiries (recently into both childhood criminal records and youth custody), shaping government consultations and recommendations in the national Review of the Youth Justice System in 2016. These achievements have positively influenced the systemic context in which statutory agencies and the youth sector work with children young people, benefitting all those involved and their wider communities.
We regularly engage with policy makers, officials and parliamentarians, and work to inform government policy through consultations, inquiries and contributing to various advisory groups, including the Youth Justice Board’s Voluntary and Community Sector Liaison Group.