Publications, Responses & submissions Millie Hall Publications, Responses & submissions Millie Hall

Response: Sentencing White Paper: Reducing the number of children remanded to custody

The Government’s sentencing white paper sets out proposals for reform of the legislation governing remand to custody for children. We support the decision to revisit the threshold for the remand of children into custody, particularly given the Government’s stated aim that remand to custody should be used only as a last resort for children.

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Latest News Millie Hall Latest News Millie Hall

Youth Justice Young Advocates Project Update

Amania Scott-Samuels, our Policy and Engagement Assistant, shares an exciting update about our Youth Justice Young Advocates project, including priority issues identified for their peer research, how they have already been involved in influencing decision-making and opportunities to get involved.

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Latest News Pippa Goodfellow Latest News Pippa Goodfellow

Introducing our new board members!

We are delighted to welcome 7 new members of our board! With these new additions, the board’s expertise has been expanded with young people’s perspectives, grassroots and community-based frontline experience, communications expertise, and strengthening our work to address racial injustice in the youth justice system.

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Publications, Reports & briefings Millie Hall Publications, Reports & briefings Millie Hall

Childhood criminal records: Undermining positive developments across youth justice

Welcome developments in youth justice are being undermined by the current childhood criminal records system, strengthening the timely call for a widespread review. Criminal records are so clearly intertwined with a range of further issues in the wider criminal justice system and are actively impeding the efforts of government and civil society to tackle pressing issues like racial disparity and addressing the impact of violence and exploitation.

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Blog Millie Hall Blog Millie Hall

Intersectionality: More than just a buzzword for girls and young women in transition

“Girls and young women are in a particularly unique position in the criminal justice system. As a minority due to both their age and gender, they are consistently overlooked in a system predominantly designed for men and understanding around the needs and requirements of girls and young women is frequently neglected in research, policy and practice.

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Blog Pippa Goodfellow Blog Pippa Goodfellow

Introducing Millie Hall, our new Communications Assistant

“Hello everyone! I’m Millie, the new Communications Assistant at the SCYJ. I am joining the SCYJ out of my dedication to holistically support vulnerable young people facing adversity, and also to help address the gross overrepresentation of BAME children and young people in the youth justice system (YJS).

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Publications, Reports & briefings Pippa Goodfellow Publications, Reports & briefings Pippa Goodfellow

Ensuring custody is the last resort for children in England and Wales

We are proud to publish a new report, Ensuring custody is the last resort for children in England and Wales. Developed with an expert group of our members, we recommend that custody should only ever be used as a last resort for children is enshrined in domestic law and international human rights conventions, but is not currently applied as such.

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Publications, Reports & briefings Millie Hall Publications, Reports & briefings Millie Hall

Coronavirus: Issues and recommendations for children and young people

In this unprecedented public health emergency, our members and stakeholders are working intensively through the many challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic. There will be implications for all children and young people in our communities, particular challenges for those in the youth justice system, and exceptionally critical risks for children in custody. Over the past few weeks, we have been working with our members to gather information and insight, enabling us to highlight issues and make practical suggestions.

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Publications, Responses & submissions Pippa Goodfellow Publications, Responses & submissions Pippa Goodfellow

Response: Justice Select Committee inquiry on children in custody

We responded to the Justice Select Committee inquiry into children and young people in custody. Our response covers a range of topics including custody as a last resort; Black Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) children in custody; the harm of the secure estate; staffing; restraint; placements; and resettlement.

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Publications, Responses & submissions Pippa Goodfellow Publications, Responses & submissions Pippa Goodfellow

Response: Consultation on Knife Crime Prevention Orders (KCPOs) guidance

We welcome the opportunity to respond to the Home Office consultation on the Knife Crime Prevention Order (KCPO) guidance. We worked closely with the Prison Reform Trust (PRT) during the parliamentary stages of the Offensive Weapons Bill to assist parliamentarians on scrutiny of the bill’s provisions. Our work helped to secure the consultation on the guidance on KCPOs as well as the piloting of KCPOs, with a report on the pilot to be laid before Parliament prior to the further roll out of the orders.

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Publications, Responses & submissions Millie Hall Publications, Responses & submissions Millie Hall

Statement: A call to end the use of pain-inducing techniques in the children’s secure estate

We have held longstanding opposition, as a point of principle, to the deliberate infliction of pain on children as part of any system of restraint. We have submitted a statement to Charlie Taylor’s independent review of pain-inducing restraint, urging the Ministry of Justice and the Youth Custody Service to prohibit the use of pain-inducing techniques on children and across child custody as a whole. We join a wide range of bodies and organisations that have called for a ban.

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Publications, Responses & submissions Millie Hall Publications, Responses & submissions Millie Hall

Our position on the response to serious violence

Violence is the product of multiple, complex and deep-rooted issues within society, it is not inevitable. From our research, it is clear that various government policies over the last decade have exacerbated many of the root causes of children becoming affected by, or involved in, serious violence. In this paper we explain our position and recommendations for the Government response to serious violence.

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Publications, Responses & submissions Millie Hall Publications, Responses & submissions Millie Hall

Response: Home Office consultation on new legal duty to support a multi-agency approach to preventing and tackling serious violence

We have responded to the Home Office consultation on a new legal duty to support a multi-agency approach to preventing and tackling serious violence. We support a public health approach to tackling serious violence which seeks to address its root causes and welcome the government’s acknowledgement of the need to shift focus from a punitive response towards a multi-agency, more preventative approach. We welcome the intention to encourage organisations to share information, data and intelligence, and work in concert rather than isolation to identify children at risk as early as possible.

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