Meet the AYJ Board: Hannah Smithson

Meet the AYJ Board Members.jpg

Get to know the Chair of the AYJ Board - Hannah Smithson!

“Aside from being an AYJ Board Member, I…

Am a mum, a daughter, a wife, a sister and an auntie. Family and friends are extremely important to me. Oh, and I’m also Professor of Criminology and Youth Justice and Director of the Manchester Centre for Youth Studies, at Manchester Metropolitan University. I am a fan of gin and camping (usually together…….)”

“Being an AYJ Board Member means…

That I am able to advocate with, for, and on behalf of justice-involved children and young people.”

“I joined the fight for youth justice because…

I have had the pleasure of working with some inspirational and extremely resilient children and young people, who have made me laugh and cry in equal measure. They and others deserve better than what they have, and how they are treated.”

“In the next 5 years, I hope to see…

A youth justice system that gives children and young people a meaningful second chance and the opportunities they need to live their most fulfilling lives.”

“To me, youth justice means…

Seeking justice – legal and social, for children and young people.”

“One thing we can learn from children and young people is…

That adults and those in power are not always the experts. We need to listen with sincerity and recognise children and young people’s expertise, knowledge, and resilience.”

“For children and young people, I hope for a future where…

Inequalities, whether through ethnic heritage, gender, sexuality, or social disadvantage, are not the defining characteristics of children and young people’s life opportunities.”   

“Dear my younger self…

Try harder in school, you were fortunate to have a strong family network and subsequently you were provided with limitless opportunities. You were not always grateful and nor did you recognise that others were not afforded the same opportunities. Be more confident, you’re actually ok.

Also, don’t have that perm in 1986 – it will take you years to grow out……!”

Keep up to date with Hannah’s work…

Manchester Centre for Youth Studies…


Meet the AYJ Board: Gess Aird


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