Meet the AYJ Board: Gess Aird
Get to know the Deputy Chair of the AYJ - Gess Aird, Director of Kinetic Youth.
“Aside from being an AYJ Board Member, I…
Am a youth worker, Director of a national youth work organisation working in prisons, and a parent of two very lively little ones…”
“Being an AYJ Board Member means…
I can join the fight to work with others to support systemic change within the youth justice system for young people.”
“I joined the fight for youth justice because…
I believe many young people are not provided with the rights they were born with, moreover, when things go wrong for them they are punished. Young people live chaotic destructive lives, often at the mercy of their surroundings. The commitment to them when things go wrong should include therapeutic, educational support with positive role models and processes and systems that support and enable growth and change. We have it wrong…”
“In the next 5 years, I hope to see…
A more responsive, needs-based youth justice system working with young people, not punishing them, that is more engaging and less oppressive.”
“To me, youth justice means…
Providing a fair and just service for these young people who have not been treated fairly and justly to date, who are often victims, understanding why they have done what they have done, working with them to put things right, to make changes to prevent things going wrong again, supporting them to work with victims to understand consequences.”
“One thing we can learn from children and young people is…
How adults have let them down, usually at the beginning, and time and time again.”
“For children and young people, I hope for a future where…
They feel supported, listened to, and treated fairly, in general, and when things go wrong.”
“Dear my younger self…
Be the change you want to see in the world.”
Keep up to date with Gess’ work…